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StrongWilled Legna
Player ID: 74199
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 36
Energetic immunity : 44
Trade sense : 25
Briskness : 32
Initiative : 45
Defence : 143
Attack : 217
Power : 53
Luck : 42
Volition : 45
Woodcutting : 0
Finesse : 0
Cartography : 1
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Time Principle = 338
Principle of Enthropy = 153
Darkness Principle = 29
Principle of Imagination = 264
Principle of Light = 368
Description lost in time after a child played with it. Still searching.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 362 | Lost: 1105
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Please read and if you have suggestions please pm me.

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Is 10 years old (in rl is 25 almost 26) and does not appear to age.
 Description: I am a small creature, with long blond hair, my eyes are a light blue (almost white), with skin that has a greenish tint, wearing a little white robe with red trim (from zalabar), eyes glitter when something excites me.
(I think jazira had drawn the above picture... but I can not find any of my documents to comfirm)

I got the giant rat from stormrunner when he went on an adventure to get rid of the mice in Winy's Pub. I think I am going to call her Tiny. She now has a red scarf tied to her leg, this way Gremlin's pet named Jade won't eat her. I also have a pet bunny given to me by Sunshine Knight. I have a pet snake that was given to me by Gremlin. Her name is "Sophia, Don't eat Tiny!" Her first name is "Sophia" and her last name is "Don't eat Tiny!" Since Sophia has a last name Tiny's full name will be Tiny, Run! *giggles*

Some of my creatures
Grasan Huvourer Archie the First Falcon Walking Tree Angien Pimped Grasan

Personal Page continued
I had a quest I was planning but it got lost in time.

Page 242 - The Shade Ballance - Br.
The roar becomes deafening as the swirling colors become dark and spin at their core. The shape and size of the body shifts. Magical energy electrocutes the air around the forming creature. A deep darkness pulls all of the energy in toward the center of the pentagram, and then an unseen pulse throws Braiton to the ground. Silence commences. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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